Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
      using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines


IV. Jet Set Willy 128 (JSW128)

Games using John Elliott's JSW128 game engine for the 128K Spectrum


17. Bizarre!

Subtitle: A slightly problematic journey home for William

Author: the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!

Publisher: BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ

Year: 2005

Bugfix: 2006

Language: English


Bizarre! was the fourth gamma-released JSW128 game by the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!. It was released in November 2005, with a bug-fixed revision following in January 2006.

After the most ridiculous party Willy has ever been to, he realises he is feeling a little worse for wear, so he makes way for his mansion. He is really drunk and stoned, and decides to take a shortcut along the train tracks. The player has to help Willy stagger home to bed before the drugs warp his mind forever, stealing road cones, council lights and bottles of milk off people's doorsteps along the way.

The game uses Hacklevel 9 of the JSW128 game engine.


Number of edited rooms: 106

Number of rooms accessible without cheating: 106

(7 rooms: "Back Door" [099], "West of Kitchen" [100], "The Kitchen" [101], "To the kitchens" [102], "First Landing" [103], "Top Landing" [104] and "The Bathroom" [105], which are part of the final sequence, are only accessible during the toilet run.)

Number of items to collect: 93


Bugfix needed after original release? YES

Official bugfix released? YES

Spare lives at the start: 7

Completable without loss of life? NO

Lives which need to be sacrificed to complete the game: 1

(A life has to be lost in the room "Romantic Hallucinations" [073], because there is no way to get back up after collecting the two lowermost items.)


Starting time and the best documented completion time: N/A

(There is no clock in the game.)


Download links



Original release

ZIP file with the game in TAP format and the Readme



Direct game download

Game file in TAP and TZX formats



World of Spectrum

The game's page on WoS



Spectrum Computing

The game's page on Spectrum Computing




Speccy Screenshot Maps

The game's map on Speccy Screenshot Maps



RZX Archive

RZX walkthrough of the game






A walkthrough of the game on the JSW Central YouTube channel



A complete screenshot gallery will be presented on this page in the future.


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