Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines
II. Jet Set Willy (JSW48)
A. New games using Matthew Smith's original Jet Set Willy game engine for the 48K Spectrum and its modifications
27. Willy's Flashback
Author: Visa-Valtteri Pimiä (jet_visy)
Year: 2001
Language: English
Willy's Flashback is the only gamma-released JSW game for the ZX Spectrum by Visa-Valtteri Pimiä (jet_visy).
The game is recognised by JSWED as using the Softricks game engine, different from standard JSW in that it has a double-length Guardian Class Table, with consequent relocation of the Item Table and toilet sprite (John Elliott has analysed the Softricks engine for technical details of these changes and described them on his website). The two extra rooms from the Softricks editor are also present in the game file ("The Vault" [61] has been modified and is now "The Vault revisited", while "The Moat" [47] is unused in the game). However, Willy's Flashback does not have some of the typical features of the Softricks engine, such as a demo mode after the title-screen scrolly or the title screen being shown each time the player loses a life.
Number of edited rooms: 46
This number includes 37 new rooms and 9 unedited rooms from the original JSW which can be accessed by the player without using Writetyper or any other cheat, as discussed here. There is actually no need to enter them to complete the game, as there are no items in them. The author himself has confirmed he considers them to be a part of the game. On the contrary, he does not consider part of the game the other unedited rooms from the original JSW left within the game file, which can only be accessed using the Writetyper cheat.
Number of rooms accessible without cheating: 46
Number of rooms which need to be visited to complete the game: 36
("SPIKE ME !" [06] should be omitted as entering it results in a multiple-death scenario.)
Number of items to collect: 84
Bugfix needed after original release? NO
Spare lives at the start: 7
Completable without loss of life? YES (bed-completable only)
(The game is not toilet-completable, because during the toilet run, in "Security Monitor" [33], Willy gets killed repeatedly by the conveyor, which has the same colour attributes as Fire cells and therefore behaves as Fire. Visa-Valtteri Pimiä has confirmed that the conveyor is supposed to be deadly and that he considers what happens to be "the true ending" of the game.)
Starting time: 7:00 am
Best documented bed-completion time with no unnecessary loss of life: 7:41 am
Download links
Game file in TAP and TZX formats |
The game's page on WoS |
The game's page on Spectrum Computing |
The game's map on Speccy Screenshot Maps |
RZX walkthrough of the game |
(showing a walkthrough with the normal ending)
(showing the same walkthrough with an ending where Willy reaches the toilet thanks to using the Writetyper cheat)
Screenshot gallery |
New rooms
Rooms from the original JSW which can be accessed during gameplay without cheating (it is not necessary to enter them to complete the game, though, as there are no items there.)
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