Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
      using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines


V. Jet Set Willy 64 (JSW64)

Games using John Elliott's JSW64 family of game engines for the 128K Spectrum


17. Miles Mad Mission!

Author: the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!

Publisher: BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ

Year: 2009

Language: English


Miles Mad Mission! was the fifth JSW64 game gamma-released by the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! This "moderately easy, graphic heavy game" "based around the World of Spectrum forums" was released in December 2009.

After a particularly rowdy night at the WOS mansion, things got slightly out of hand, the party went mental. Now Miles must navigate the WOS mansion collecting all the Speccy-related goodies, empty beer bottles, used condoms, empty ferrets, C90s, and more, before Beanz will let him go to bed. This riveting odyssey will also involve a visit to planet Blisstonia!

The game uses Variant [, Hacklevel 12 of the JSW64 game engine.


Number of edited rooms: 64

Number of items to collect: 252


Bugfix needed after original release? NO

Spare lives at the start: 7

Bonus lives awarded? YES: 3

Completable without loss of life? YES


Starting time: 07:00 am

Best documented completion time without loss of life: 8:25 am


Download links



Direct game download

Game file in TAP and TZX formats



World of Spectrum

The game's page on WoS

"Allow adult search results (opt-in)" must be turned on through the Infoseek Config facility to view the game or find it using Sinclair Infoseek.



Spectrum Computing

The game's page on Spectrum Computing




Speccy Screenshot Maps

The game's map on Speccy Screenshot Maps



JSW Central

RZX walkthrough of the game showing the best documented completion time



RZX Archive

RZX walkthrough of the game on the RZX Archive (showing a completion of the game which is inferior to the best publicly available recording)





A walkthrough of the game on the JSW Central YouTube channel



A complete screenshot gallery will be presented on this page in the future.