Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines
Versions and minor mods of the original Jet Set Willy
Jet Set Willy Mono Plus
Author: Andy Ford
Year: 2021
Language: English
An expansion on John Elliott's Jet Set Willy: Mono, offering a choice of colours.
Following the motto that monochrome does not always have to mean white text on black paper, this variant presents the player, upon loading the game, with a menu offering six suggested colour presets, selectable by a letter key. The presets include: white INK with black PAPER, white PAPER with black INK and green INK with black PAPER, with each of these options available with the BRIGHT attribute either enabled or disabled.
Furthermore, the player may select their own preference for desired INK, PAPER, BRIGHT and FLASH options. A basic 'sanity check' is applied to prevent the player choosing the same value for PAPER and INK and a further check to confirm they really do want FLASH enabled. Upon completion of picking the colour options, the text for the custom option is displayed in those colours.
The game features several modifications to the original code (the 'Black Willy' patch, every room has its AIR value set to white PAPER and white INK in order to prevent some colour combinations from auto-collecting the items, the Screen Flash code, unused in the original JSW, has been modified, and the startup code was replaced with a shorter and tidier version). However, the colour selection offered to the player and the four official Software Projects POKEs that make the game completable are applied via the BASIC loader. As a result, if the player wants to change the selected colours, they have to reload or POKE the game (POKE 35340,n [#8A0C,n] changes the colours at runtime).
Jet Set Willy Mono Plus does not have either of the 'companion' patches to the 'Mono' patch, i.e. either the 'Wobble' or 'Jiggle' patch, applied.
Number of edited rooms: 60
Number of rooms accessible without cheating: 60
Number of rooms which need to be visited to complete the game: 59
("Entrance to Hades" [06] should be omitted as entering it results in a multiple-death scenario.)
Number of items to collect: 83
Completable without loss of life? NO
Lives which need to be sacrificed to complete the game: 1
(A life has to be sacrificed to collect the leftmost item in "Conservatory Roof" [43].)
Starting time: 7:00 am
Best documented completion time with no unnecessary loss of life: 7:59 am
Download links
The game's homepage on JetSet Willy & Manic Miner Community |
Game file in TAP and TZX formats |
RZX walkthrough of the game |
Screenshot gallery |
The screenshots below present the rooms in different colour configurations in order to illustrate the variety of colours this version of the game offers. In order to change the colours, the game needs to be reloaded or POKEd.