Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
      using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines


Versions and minor mods of the original Jet Set Willy


Jet Set Willy - Perpetual Motion

Author: Darth Melkor

Year: 2005

Language: English


A variant in which Willy moves incessantly thanks to the use of POKE 36801,0 [#8FC1,00], discovered by Andrew Broad, with rooms 2, 4, 24, 26, 55 and 57 edited to make the game completable, and rooms 47, 61, 62 and 63 massaged into a playable form. The in-game tune is "Rich Girl" (Gwen Stefani).

The file was released in December 2005 as part of the Manic Scribbler box set.


Number of edited rooms: 64

Number of rooms accessible without cheating: 64

Number of rooms which need to be visited to complete the game: 63

("Entrance to Hades" [06] should be omitted as entering it results in a multiple-death scenario.)

Number of items to collect: 256


Spare lives at the start: 7

Completable without loss of life? NO

Lives which need to be sacrificed to complete the game: 5

(One life has to be sacrificed in each of the following rooms: "Under the MegaTree" [02], "Cuckoo's Nest" [07], "Out on a limb" [13] and "Conservatory Roof" [43] due to the impossibility of making a vertical jump. Another life has to be sacrificed to collect the leftmost item in "Conservatory Roof" [43] for the same reason as in the original JSW.)


Starting time: 7:00 am

Best documented completion time with no unnecessary loss of life: 8:10 am


Download links



Original release

Original Manic Scribbler box set with the game file in TAP format and the Readme



Direct game download

Game file in TAP and TZX formats



World of Spectrum

Game file in TAP and TZX formats



Spectrum Computing

The game's page on Spectrum Computing




Speccy Screenshot Maps

The game's map on Speccy Screenshot Maps



RZX Archive

RZX walkthrough of the game



Screenshot gallery


New rooms










Rooms with visible modifications in relation to the original
















The remaining screens look the same as in the original JSW.