Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines
Versions and minor mods of the original Jet Set Willy
Jet Set Willy - The Paul Rhodes' editor version
Author: Paul Rhodes
Publisher: Spectrum Electronics
Year: 1984
Ready-to-play version release: 2018
Language: English
Two sample rooms accompanied Paul Rhodes' JetSet Editor: "The Space Station" (47) and an untitled one (61). They were on the tape after the JetSet Editor program and could be loaded into the editor using an option on the main menu.
The two sample rooms have been included in the games: Jet-Set Willy in Space (by Richard Hallas, 1997; he named Room 61 "Suit up! Shooting Stars...") and Party Willy (by Andrew Broad, 2004; Special Edition 2007).
A special version of JSW is offered on JSW Central which makes these two rooms accessible and necessary to visit to complete the game, without introducing any changes (apart from a custom loading screen) beyond the minimum necessary to accomplish this goal and make the game completable. The information below concerns this particular version.
Number of edited rooms: 62
Number of rooms accessible without cheating: 62
Number of rooms which need to be visited to complete the game: 61
("Entrance to Hades" [06] should be omitted as entering it results in a multiple-death scenario.)
Number of items to collect: 90
Spare lives at the start: 7
Completable without loss of life? NO
Lives which need to be sacrificed to complete the game: 1
(A life has to be sacrificed to collect the leftmost item in "Conservatory Roof" [43]).
Starting time: 7:00 am
Best documented completion time with no unnecessary loss of life: 8:04 am
Download links
Ready-to-play, completable game file in TAP and TZX formats plus the Readme |
Game files in TAP and TZX formats |
The page of JetSet Editor on WoS (the editor can be downloaded in TZX and Z80 formats, with data of the extra rooms as a TAP file) |
The page of JetSet Editor on Spectrum Computing (the editor can be downloaded in TZX and Z80 formats, with data of the extra rooms as a TAP file) |
RZX walkthrough of the game |
Screenshot gallery |
New rooms
(with added items; there are no items in these rooms in the editor)
Custom loading screen in the ready-to-play version