Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines
Versions and minor mods of the original Manic Miner
Manic Miner: 3D Demo
Author: Jim I. Langmead
Year: 2004
Language: English
A three-room demo of a new game, initially released by Jim I. Langmead as an April Fools joke, with a claim that it was a demo of a 3D version of Manic Miner, when in fact it was a "sneak preview" of his then-upcoming 2D MM game. The actual title of the game was never revealed. The game was never completed (according to information provided by Andrew Broad, as of September 2004, it had five rooms written but hadn't been touched for months). Sadly, Jim Langmead passed away on 11th April 2007.
The game features three new rooms: "APRIL FOOL hahahahahahahahahaha", "Tis just a sneak preview of my.." and "..Manic Miner 2D game..sorry..". The remaining rooms are unedited.
Number of rooms: 20
Highest documented score:
- upon reaching the swordfish sign: 37,559 points;
- upon first re-entry into the first cavern: 38,834 points.
Download links
Game file in Z80 format |
Game file in TAP and TZX formats |
The game's page on WoS |
The game's page on Spectrum Computing |
RZX walkthrough of the game |
Screenshot gallery |
The remaining rooms in the game are unedited rooms from the original Manic Miner.