Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines
Versions and minor mods of the original Manic Miner
Miniera magica
Author: F.M. & A. Gnesutta
Publisher: Nuova NEWEL
Year: 1983
Language: Italian
An Italian version of MM, which features a modifed loading screen (MM-style), a modified title screen and Italian translations throughout the game. Miniera magica ("Magic Mine") features also an additional introductory screen where the player can choose the number of spare lives (1-32, with an additional immortality option) and is given the teleportation cheat code (6031769).
There are two known Italian versions of the game, the other one being La miniera ("The Mine") released by Load 'n' Run on its tape 10 in November 1984. They feature different protagonists: in Miniera magica it is Pippo il Minatore, while in La miniera it is Jack il Curioso, their title screens show some differences and their room names are different. However, one can see that one of the files served to create the other one. It is visible by the distribution of attributes in the room name row in each room (unlike in the original MM, parts of these rows have black PAPER) and in the glitches visible in both games, such as corruption of one block on the upper right of the thirteenth cavern ("Ore Refinery", although the Italian names are obviously different) or of another block in the lower right hand corner of the upper two thirds of the screen in the eighteenth cavern, or a glitch in the horizontal guardians in the ninth (Amoebatron) cavern.
If the in-game text is to be trusted, Miniera magica is older than La miniera, which would suggest that this file was used to create the latter version.
Number of rooms: 20
Highest documented score:
- upon reaching the swordfish sign: 37,711 points;
- upon first re-entry into the first cavern: 38,986 points.
Download links
Game file in TAP and TZX formats |
RZX walkthrough of the game |
Screenshot gallery |