Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
      using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines


Versions and minor mods of the original Manic Miner


Manic Miner - Two Chance Challenge

Author: Andy Ford

Year: 2021

Language: English


"A small variation on the original" with two lives provided per cavern. The game features custom title and loading screens. It also has a simple "anti tamper" check present, but rather than punish the player, it will simply remove the detected cheat.

While a small piece of patch code in the loader tries to ensure the main loader works in later Spectrum models, it may be best to load the game in 48K mode on these machines.

The game was released in October 2021.


Number of rooms: 20

Highest documented score: n/a

(No recording is publicly available yet.)



Download links




The game's home page on JSW & MM Community



Direct game download

Game file in TZX format



Screenshot gallery


The game is not visually different from the original MM apart from the loading screen, the title screen, the scrolling message, the number of lives remaining, the initial high score and the capitalisation of the "GAME OVER" message:











