Resource centre for ZX Spectrum games
      using Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy game engines


VI. Other game engines

D. New games using other game engines


3. Manic Pietro

Authors: Cristián González, Alvin Albrecht, Einar Saukas, Igor Errazkin, Sergio Vaquer, Davos, and Mick Farrow

Year: 2019 (Version 1.1)

Languages: English and Spanish


Manic Pietro is a 128K remake of MM created for the ZX-DEV M.I.A-Remakes contest, using the NIRVANA+ engine. The game features AY music (3 AY songs) and 13 different AY effects.

The protagonist of the game is Pietro, who is a clone of Mario from Mario Bros.

Manic Pietro has two sets of caverns: 20 brand new ones and 20 original ones. The original caverns can be unlocked using a secret code revealed after completing the new levels. There are also other secret codes to unlock some hidden features and "continue codes" to continue the player's progress from the previous level.

The game features two unique Intro Screens and two unique Final Screens. These screens are presented in two language versions: English and Spanish (while the room names are all in English).

The keyboard is redefinable.


Number of rooms: 20

Highest documented score:


New levels:

- upon reaching the princess: 35,576 points;

- upon first re-entry into the first cavern: 36,656 points.


Original levels:

- upon reaching the swordfish sign: 32,172 points;

- upon first re-entry into the first cavern: 33,428 points.


Download links




The game's page on ZX-DEV M.I.A-Remakes website



Official release

ZIP files of the official release of v. 1.1 of both the 128K and the Pentagon versions of the game packed into one ZIP



Direct game download

Game file in TAP and TZX formats



World of Spectrum

The game's page on WoS forums



Spectrum Computing

The game's page on Spectrum Computing



Speccy Screenshot Maps

The game's map on Speccy Screenshot Maps



RZX Archive

RZX walkthrough of the English version of the game





A walkthrough of the English version of the game on the JSW Central YouTube channel



A walkthrough of the English version of the game on the RZX Archive YouTube channel



A complete screenshot gallery will be presented on this page in the future.


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